To report a power outage call:
Ohio Toll Free 1-800-521-9879
Guernsey-Muskingum Electric strives to provide a high level of service reliability. However, events beyond the control of the Cooperative such as automobile accidents, unforeseen equipment failures, lightning storms, freezing rain, snow or other occurrences of nature make it impossible to guarantee uninterrupted service.
Each pole on Guernsey-Muskingum Electric's system is identified with a pole tag number with the characteristics listed below. If this number is given to the dispatcher when you call in an outage or issue the dispatcher can immediately locate the problem area.
The pole tag will be vertically aligned.
The numbers will be 6 digits with black characters on a yellow background.
The pole numbers will be in the range of 100,000 to 150,000.
The letters GMEC will be printed at the bottom. In the color black.
The letters RE with a lightning bolt symbol will also be printed at the bottom of the tag. In the color black.
During a power outage Guernsey-Muskingum Electric's goal is to restore power as safely and quickly as possible. As a member there are certain steps you can take to assist us in meeting this goal.
As mentioned above severe weather conditions like ice storms, high winds, floods, and tornadoes may cause extended outage. If that happens, you can bet Guernsey-Muskingum Electric will be working around the clock as quickly as possible to restore your electricity.
Check your home's fuse box, breaker panel, or any outdoor disconnects to make sure the outage isn't due to a blown fuse or tripped breaker.
Call your neighbors to see if their power is off. This will help determine if the problem exists within your home or on our lines.
If the problem is outside your home, call Guernsey-Muskingum Electric at the phone number below. We are available day or night, 365 days a year. We can process your call quicker if you have this information ready:
Last name on your GMEC account.
Phone number at the location of the outage.
Account number.
Multiple accounts if this applies to you.
Cause of power outage, if you know it.
If you call during a time of widespread outages, an automated system may answer your call. Listen carefully and follow the directions. This system can take many more calls than live operators could in times of heavy phone traffic.
To report a power outage call:
Ohio Toll Free 1-800-521-9879
- Limit opening your freezer and refrigerator to prevent food spoilage. Food will keep longer if doors remain closed.
- Don't cook inside with charcoal and be careful with candles, fireplaces, fuel lamps, etc.
- If you use a portable generator, isolate it from our lines with a double-pole, double-throw transfer switch or other approved automatic switches. If not wired properly, you could cause electrocution to the repair personnel coming in contact with the power lines. Call the Cooperative for proper installation details.
Thinking ahead can make an extended outage less uncomfortable and more tolerable. Please have the following items on hand:
Flashlights, extra batteries, candles and matches or some type of fuel lamp (kerosene, oil, propane) and extra fuel.
Water. If you depend on a well, you'll need to fill bathtubs or other large containers for household use. Fill clean pitchers or cooler jugs for drinking water.
Nonperishable foods that don't need cooking are ideal, like canned fruit, powdered milk, peanut butter, bread and crackers. Don't forget the manual can opener!
Have blankets, sleeping bags and extra clothes, including hats. If you have a fireplace, make sure there's kindling and a good supply of wood.
An AM/FM radio with extra batteries for local information and a NOAA weather radio for weather warnings. A wind-up or battery-powered clock will come in handy, too.
Due to uncontrollable situations as mentioned earlier, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric can not guarantee power outages of short duration. It is very important for members on life-support equipment to make alternate plans for power or lodging in the event of a prolonged outage.
To report a power outage call:
Ohio Toll Free 1-800-521-9879