Refundable Consumer Deposit....
Ave. Monthly Bill x 1.3
(based on the location KWH history)
Reconnect Charge.... $40
Service fee to reconnect during regular working hours (Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.), an account disconnected for non-payment.
(A)...After-Hours Reconnect Charge.... $145
Service fee to reconnect between the hours of 2:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. any weekday for an account disconnected due to non-payment.
(B)...After-Hours Reconnect Charge.... $300
Service fee to reconnect between the hours of 9:00 P.M. until 7:30 A.M. on weekdays and anytime on weekends, or holidays, reconnects shall only occur due to medical necessity or other emergency situation.
Trip Charge.... $40
Service fee for a trip to disconnect for non-payment applies if consumer makes payment arrangements after serviceman is at consumer's location.
Wintertime Disconnect Site Notice.... $15
Service fee charged when it is necessary to send an employee of the Cooperative to deliver a disconnect notice to the service location.
Meter Reading Charge.... $15
Service fee for Cooperative employee to read a meter when the consumer has failed to report a meter reading for two consecutive months.
Returned Check and Insufficient Funds Charge.... $20
Service fee for additional billing when a check or debit is returned by the bank.
Security Light Charge - Small.... $10.50
Security Light Charge - Large.... $12.00
Leased through your Cooperative by the month.
Energy Audit.... Free
Service for analyzing a home's energy efficiency and providing recommendations for energy improvements.
New Concord 740-826-7661
Ohio Toll Free 1-800-521-9879