What are Guernsey-Muskingum's business hours?
How do I set up a new account?
When will my power be disconnected for non-payment?*
How do I get a temporary disconnect service?
How do I stop service?
What is a capital credit?
When do I get my capital credit?*
I'm on the priority list because of a medical condition. Why isn't my power restored instantly?*
Where can I find current billing rates?
How can I lower my electric bill?
How can I get help paying my electric bill?
What is a peak alert?*
How can I get on budget billing?
Why do my lights blink?
What should I do when I lose power?*
What is a co-op?
What is a RCS (Radio-Controlled Switch)?
When will my power be back on after an outage?*
What should I do if tree branches are close to the electric lines?
What is the service availability charge?*