Our June billing had a printing issue on the meter readings and multiplier information printed on the bill. A change was made to the meter number to add a digit on the printout and it impacted the printing of the meter readings and multiplier on the bills this month. The data got shifted in the file we sent to the printer by a space. The last digit of the Previous reading is printed as the first digit of the Present reading. The Last digit of the present reading did not print. The meter multiplier started with the last digit of the year (2 from 2022) and then zeros until the meter multiplier is printed. The KWH used printed correctly and all the $ amounts are correct.
Below is an example of what is printed and how you can get your readings used in the billing. This is being corrected for our next billing. Unfortunately, the bills were already printed and on their way to the Postal Service by our Print vendor when the issue was identified. Sorry for the Inconvenience.
Please see the attachment for an explanation.