One of the more difficult things that your cooperative board of directors and management must do is to determine the rates that are charged to members. While rates are designed to cover costs and ensure an adequate operating margin, rates are not as simple as they may seem. Rates are established for numerous “classes” of members from residential to commercial, we currently have around sixteen different rates in effect today. The goal in establishing rates is to be fair to all members. That means we must try to assure equity between rate classes and within a rate class. Commercial members should not “carry the load” for residential members and residential members should not contribute unfairly to support the operations of the co-op while businesses do not provide adequate support through the commercial rates. Likewise, a residential or commercial member using very little power cannot expect other members to pay to keep the lines clear and the power flowing just so power is available on the rare occasions when they need it.
Unfortunately, the rising costs we have all been experiencing continue to hit your cooperative.
While your board realizes the financial pressure those of us in southeastern Ohio experience, they also realize the obligation GMEC has to provide you with reliable electric service.
The service availability charge, which is currently $30.00 per month, will rise to $32.00 per month. This fixed charge is designed to cover the cost of installing and repairing poles, wire and equipment, and maintaining your electric distribution system whether you use electricity or not. Even with this increase, our fixed charge is still one of the lowest in the state among electric cooperatives.
Also, the charge for rural lights will increase by $2.00; the typical rural light will increase from $10.50 to $12.50 per month. An increase for rural lights has not occurred since 2014.
Both increases will take effect with the February billing.
GMEC is committed to delivering electricity to you at the lowest possible cost and minimizing the impact of any rate increases. We regret the need to increase rates at this time; however, it is necessary to allow us to continue and improve our programs of maintaining reliable electric service to our membership